Members Share the Talent

Members Share the Talent (MSTT) workshops are free to current BAKG members. Watch this space for more details on 2025 upcoming workshop.

The Members Share the Talent (MSTT) concept goes way back in BAKG history. Traditionally, one General Meeting in our annual calendar has been dedicated to MSTT. About a dozen BAKG members would volunteer to teach a technique or a project, and other members would sign up for the workshop of their choice. Enrollment was limited to the number of seats that fit at a table or in a circle. The workshops were free and the topics changed every year, depending on who was teaching and what they wanted to share.

If you would like to explore the possibility of being a volunteer teacher—virtual or in-person—and/or have a suggestion for a topic of interest, please contact Susan at

Many thanks to BAKG member Diana Gee her Double Knitting Workshop held August 2022.

Many thanks to BAKG member Rosann Fleischauer for her Stash Busting Workshop (held on Zoom) July 11, 2022

Many thanks to BAKG member Juanell Boyd for her

Painting and Sculpting with Yarn
Workshop (held on Zoom)
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Many thanks to BAKG member Francesca Heller for her

Magic Loop Knitting
held (via on Zoom) on Sunday, May 1, 2022.

Many thanks to BAKG member Rodica Tenenbaum for her

Needle-Felted Buttons Workshop

held on Thursday, March 3, 2022.

A sample of previous topics: apps for knitting, beginner knitting, chair yoga, chart reading, circular knitting with double-pointed straight needles, continental knitting, Dorset buttons, entrelac and beaded entrelac, fixing mistakes, honeycomb brioche, lace knitting, logcabin knitting, knitted cast-on, marling, mattress stitch, mitered squares, short rows, sock heels, tips and tricks, and weaving in ends.